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Posted by Jason Hall On 13 August, 2015 at 10:59 AM  58 Comments

Caythuoc (Guest) said On 17 May, 2022 at 4:49 AM
7 natural ways to deal with cirrhosis Content prepared based on: bit.ly/caoduoclieu , http://novaco.vn/cao-duoc-lieu/ . The liver is the most important organ of the body, it helps to remove toxins from food and water when put into the body. When liver function is weakened, it will lead to liver diseases, the most dangerous is cirrhosis leading to liver cancer. To prevent cirrhosis of the liver, you need to increase the activity of cleaning the liver by adding a scientific diet and reasonable exercise. Here are some natural methods to help you deal with cirrhosis effectively. 1.Addition of dandelion herb Bodhi tree, also known as the tree, has a slightly bitter taste, is cold, has the effect of clearing heat, diuretic, treating jaundice, detoxifying the liver, enhancing liver function. In modern medical studies, dandelion is also used to increase secretion, promote bile secretion, promote blood circulation, protect liver cells, prevent cirrhosis, fatty liver. , cooling, enhancing liver detoxification. http://tinyurl.com/yah5qj2h 2.Organic food supplement In fact, a diet rich in saturated fat, fried foods, chemicals and fast food can increase the risk of liver disease. As a result, high levels of triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood are two serious risk factors for liver damage and cirrhosis. Regularly consuming enough (organic) vegetables and other foods is key to maintaining a healthy liver. You can add organic vegetables such as: cauliflower, broccoli, kale, spinach, watercress, dandelion… 3. Quit alcohol and tobacco Regular drinking and smoking are the main causes of liver problems. Due to the accumulation of fats in the liver cells, it causes swelling and cirrhosis of the liver. Heavy drinking is one of the fastest ways to damage and kill liver cells - and alcohol combined with smoking or a poor diet is far more dangerous. Therefore, limiting alcohol consumption and smoking is the safest way for you to prevent the risk of cirrhosis. 4. Maintain a healthy weight Obesity is one of the most common causes of liver disease in Western countries today. Obesity can cause nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and is associated with a significantly higher risk of developing other liver problems. In addition, being overweight increases the risk of other health problems such as high blood pressure, diabetes, too much fat around the waist, high cholesterol and triglycerides. All these factors increase the proportion of people. liver damage, not to mention heart disease, diabetes and stroke. To prevent the risk of fatty liver, cirrhosis, it is important to control your weight. 5. Limit exposure to toxic environments When we breathe polluted air such as: aerosols, pesticides, synthetic beauty products and additives in cigarettes are all factors that cause liver cell damage. You should limit breathing and exposure to toxic environments from food sources and beauty products, products containing pesticides. http://vietherbal.com/tin-tuc-su-kien/thuc-pham-lam-tang-cam-giac-doi-c2n505.html 6. Limit the use of antibiotics Studies have shown that consuming too much antibiotics and pain relievers for a long time will cause liver disease risks. You need to double-check your oral medications regularly to see how they affect your liver. You should consult your doctor before using the drug or refer to alternative methods of medicine with dietary supplements. 7. Prevents Infections and Viruses Liver diseases including hepatitis A, B, and C are caused by viruses that are passed from person to person. This can cause the liver to swell, develop cirrhosis, which, if left untreated, can even lead to liver cancer and death. Most health authorities believe that proper immunization is the best way to prevent hepatitis A and B. There is currently no vaccine for hepatitis C. In fact, the only way to prevent hepatitis infection C is to avoid contact with viral blood through preventive methods. In addition, you can refer to some extracts from suppliers of natural pharmaceutical ingredients that support the prevention and treatment of cirrhosis such as: prickly pear extract, dried phyllocarpus plant, artichoke extract... of the company. 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